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= SlimeABug  =
Final theme is [http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ "Tiny World"].
Final theme was "Tiny World".<br>
LudumDare postings:
* http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/author/SiENcE/
<b>Play it:</b> http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-23/?action=rate&uid=13106
alles was man trifft kann man klonen
jedes lebewesen hat genau 1 faehigkeit
man kann immer wechseln
jede form hat eine stufe und kann gelevelt werden
der spieler hat 1 gemeinsamen hp balken
== download ==
klonschleim - form lernen
spinne - klebefaeden
wasserlaufer - auf wasser laufen
ameise - nahkampf
kellerassel - panzer/unverwundbar
made -
fliege - fliegen
biene -
mistkaefer - schieben
schnecke - kleben/wallwalk
regenwurm - lang
zecke - blutsaugen und platzen
tausendfuessler -
minifrosch - springen
== so ne art vision ==
* [http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/SlimeABug/SlimeABug.zip SlimeABug.zip] (windows standalone zip, ca 6mb)
* [http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/SlimeABug/SlimeABug.love SlimeABug.love] (linux .love, ca 4mb)
* [http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/SlimeABug/SlimeABug-src.zip SlimeABug-src.zip] (source files, ca 4mb)
ein insekt in echtzeit steuerbar auf einer mit tiled gebauten karte eines gartens/kellers/... in topdown ansicht?
== links ==
* main jam entry page : http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-23/?action=preview&uid=13106
* love2d forum thread https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8952
* postmortem : http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/2012/04/28/slimeabug-post-mortem/
* webgl blog http://www.webgl.com/2012/04/webgl-game-slimeabug/
* old ludum blog post : http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/2012/04/21/happy-ant/
* old ludum blog post : http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/2012/04/22/ant-hology-happy-ant/
* old ludum blog post : http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/2012/04/22/ant-hology-gameplay/
* http://gamejams.schattenkind.net/2012/05/slimeabug.html
* rank 34 in jam entries ! http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-23/?action=top&cat=Overall%28Jam%29
== setting ==
* ludumdare end results links : http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/2012/05/13/ludum-dare-23-results/
* post apocalyptic (fallout, madmax, the road)
* samples:
:* http://www.mobygames.com/game/burntime
:* http://www.mobygames.com/game/wasteland
:* http://www.mobygames.com/genre/sheet/post-apocalyptic/
* the road: [https://www.google.de/search?q=the+road&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=de&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=5BqQT4aBFobdsgaK4_mVBA&biw=1280&bih=642&sei=5xqQT72hJ8eRswbg6o2aBA#um=1&hl=de&tbm=isch&q=the+road+movie&revid=1777813267&sa=X&ei=5xqQT_7hMM30sgaWrN2vBA&ved=0CDwQgxY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=18ea3d4db1013e03&biw=1280&bih=642|google]
* LD22 game http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/category/ld-22/?author_name=frankiesmileshow
== GIT ==
== tilesystem ==
tilesystem sample
* http://sience.schattenkind.net/love2d/auto/
beispiel tiles
* [http://sience.schattenkind.net/love2d/auto/Autotile.png Autotile.png]
* [http://sience.schattenkind.net/love2d/auto/Floor.png Floor.png]
* [http://sience.schattenkind.net/love2d/auto/Pictures/AdjacentTileValues.png AdjacentTileValues.png]
* [http://sience.schattenkind.net/love2d/auto/Pictures/AdjacentTileNames.png AdjacentTileNames.png]
* [http://sience.schattenkind.net/love2d/auto/Pictures/BaseTiles.png BaseTiles.png]
* [http://sience.schattenkind.net/love2d/auto/Pictures/ResultTiles.png ResultTiles.png]
* [http://sience.schattenkind.net/love2d/auto/Pictures/TilemapExample.png TilemapExample.png]
== graphicstyle ==
SiENcE: Wir sollten uns auf eine reduzierte Palette einigen. Am besten 16 oder 32 Farben.
A tiny alien blob from outer space gets stranded on earth in a front garden. Use your blobs shape-shifting abilities to find the way back to your spaceship. Consume corpses to learn new forms and use the abilities they grant.
* ich fang schon mal an mit einem 32x32pixel tileset
die ersten tiles :)<br>
The gameplay in a short terms:
* you are a alien blob from a distant planet
* your spaceship crashed on the earth
* find your ship to get home
* you are a shapeshifter  and you can change your shape
* change your shape to solve tricky situations and get to your ship
* consume corpses to learn new shape-shifting forms
* different forms grant different abilities that will help you on your way
* you are a [tiny] alien blob from a distant planet
640x400 Ausschnitt aus der unteren map scaling *2:<br>
=== Formwandler ===
* der schleim kann leichen absorbieren und kann ab dann die form immer annehmen
* jedes lebewesen hat genau 1 faehigkeit
* man kann immer wechseln
* jede form hat eine stufe und kann gelevelt werden
* der spieler hat 1 gemeinsamen hp balken
original map 1:1 in tiled:<br>
=== Formen ===
* klonschleim - form lernen
* spinne - klebefaeden
* wasserlaufer - auf wasser laufen
* ameise - nahkampf
* kellerassel - panzer/unverwundbar
* made -
* fliege - fliegen
* biene -
* mistkaefer - schieben
* schnecke - kleben/wallwalk
* regenwurm - lang
* zecke - blutsaugen und platzen
* tausendfuessler -
* minifrosch - springen
diese palette benutze ich:<br>
[[Image:Palette.png]] [[Image:Oldmaster palette.png|none|256px]]
zum Beispiel so eine Palette<br>
* http://roguesurvivor.blogspot.de/p/screenshots.html
Image:Dos_32x32_tiles3.png|first version of our 32x32pixel tileset
* http://dto.github.com/notebook/sanctuary.html
Image:Ameise.png|original map 1:1 in Tiled Editor
* http://www.mobygames.com/game/sega-cd/shadowrun__/screenshots/gameShotId,82454/
Image:Screen01.png|640x400 viewport of the map above scaled to x2
* [http://www.roguetemple.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/nailer.jpg nailer.jpg]
Image:Grass01.png|ideas for giant-grass
* [http://www.roguetemple.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/LR_SDL_Chapter_complete.png LR_SDL_Chapter_complete.png]
Image:Palette.png|used palette
* [http://www.jonathansfox.com/ZSS/zss_preview_screenshot2.png zss_preview_screenshot2.png]
Image:Oldmaster palette.png|palette image sample
* [http://i.imgur.com/QliyW.png QliyW.png]
== resolution ==
* https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8873
* wir nehmen DOS VGA (320x200)
* we took DOS VGA (320x200) ([https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8873 love2d talk])
== game modules/parts ==
== GIT ==
* overland map
* human settlements
* npc-system
* item-system
* character stats-system
* combat-system
* day/night-system!?
== links ==
* [http://www.pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11299 The Pixel Art Tutorial]
* [http://www.pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11299 The Pixel Art Tutorial]
* http://roguesurvivor.blogspot.de/p/screenshots.html
* http://dto.github.com/notebook/sanctuary.html
* http://www.mobygames.com/game/sega-cd/shadowrun__/screenshots/gameShotId,82454/
* [http://www.roguetemple.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/nailer.jpg nailer.jpg]
* [http://www.roguetemple.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/LR_SDL_Chapter_complete.png LR_SDL_Chapter_complete.png]
* [http://www.jonathansfox.com/ZSS/zss_preview_screenshot2.png zss_preview_screenshot2.png]
* [http://i.imgur.com/QliyW.png QliyW.png]

Latest revision as of 06:49, 10 July 2012


Final theme was "Tiny World".

LudumDare postings:

Play it: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-23/?action=rate&uid=13106








A tiny alien blob from outer space gets stranded on earth in a front garden. Use your blobs shape-shifting abilities to find the way back to your spaceship. Consume corpses to learn new forms and use the abilities they grant.

The gameplay in a short terms:

  • you are a alien blob from a distant planet
  • your spaceship crashed on the earth
  • find your ship to get home
  • you are a shapeshifter and you can change your shape
  • change your shape to solve tricky situations and get to your ship
  • consume corpses to learn new shape-shifting forms
  • different forms grant different abilities that will help you on your way
  • you are a [tiny] alien blob from a distant planet


  • der schleim kann leichen absorbieren und kann ab dann die form immer annehmen
  • jedes lebewesen hat genau 1 faehigkeit
  • man kann immer wechseln
  • jede form hat eine stufe und kann gelevelt werden
  • der spieler hat 1 gemeinsamen hp balken


  • klonschleim - form lernen
  • spinne - klebefaeden
  • wasserlaufer - auf wasser laufen
  • ameise - nahkampf
  • kellerassel - panzer/unverwundbar
  • made -
  • fliege - fliegen
  • biene -
  • mistkaefer - schieben
  • schnecke - kleben/wallwalk
  • regenwurm - lang
  • zecke - blutsaugen und platzen
  • tausendfuessler -
  • minifrosch - springen




