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Revision as of 00:20, 13 November 2011 by Ghoulsblade (talk | contribs) (not yet working)
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We started to port the löve api to android

  • the goal is to create a launcher to run .love files from sdcard
  • and to enable building standalone love games without sdcard
  • currently it is still neccessary to unpack the contents of .love files, but we're working on a direct loader
  • to build a standalone without need to access sdcard, you might have to install android sdk (we use eclipse) and add the needed files as resources, or the .love file to be run as resource
    • unless of course someone has an idea how to append a .love file to the launcher app, like it is possible on win/linux, see help wanted section
  • currently android 2.2 since that's the device we're testing on (milestone), opengl ES 1.0 (we might upgrade to ES 1.1 to use vertex buffers for better perfomance)
  • currently it should also be possible to get it to work with android 2.1, since no specific 2.2 features are used.
  • tech : we are implementing the löve2d api in a java app made with the android sdk using luaj for lua and opengl es for rendering
  • still early work in progress, a lot of the api hasn't been ported yet, and most existing löve games won't work out of the box.


  • love-android.apk (apk, 280kb, 2011-11-12 android 2.1 and later)
    • unzip .love's like cloud demo to /mnt/sdcard/love/clouds/ and similar, or you'll just get an empty launcher window


not yet working

  • loading .love files from sd card directly without unpacking (up soon)
  • playing sound/music when loading from .love (see help wanted below)
  • a bunch of api functions isn't implemented yet
  • a bunch of api functions isn't implemented yet
  • ttf fonts (note:
  • leave app and come back, change resolution (landscape) or other "context switches" : textures aren't reloaded yet, so everything will be white boxes on black background currently.
  • love.physics : box2d (note: ) (lowprio for now)
  • love.threads (note: ) (lowprio for now)
  • love.font custom font loaders and rasterizers (lowprio for now)
  • love.image custom image decoders and buffers (lowprio for now)
  • love.sound custom sound decoders and buffers (lowprio for now)
  • : word-wrapping currently ignores word boundaries and just wraps characters (lowprio for now)
  • love.event (lowprio for now)
  • .xm (tracker music) files, note: (lowprio for now)
  • bug: game seems to restart when resolution changes (landscape)


  • luaj bug remove-from-table-during-iteration :
    • workaround added by hagish : res/raw/pairs_hack.lua : pairs() should work, but next() might still cause problems if used directly
  • any idea for how to simplify packaging like win/linux appending a .love directly to the end of the executable to create a standalone without sd-card access ?
  • anyone with experience using that market thing up for a chat ? me(ghoul) = total smartphone noob =)

additional api

  • phone specific stuff to be exposed via (rather than, since there's a lot of overlap)
  • loading from resources embedded into the app/pack rather than from filepath on sdcard
  • multi-touch screen
  • accelerometer, gravity sensor, gps
  • maybe opening browser ?