From Ghoulwiki
N=32768 SX=2048 SY=128 SZ=8 I0=16 DATASIZE_IN_RAW=1152kb DATASIZE_IN_STATE=128kb DATASIZE_IN_INDEX=18kb DATASIZE_IN_TOTAL=1298kb DATASIZE_OUT_TOTAL=65536kb assert passed : (N / kThreadBlockSize <= 63*1024 && "grid_size larger than suppo rted (cudaGetDeviceProperties:maxGridSize: 63k currently)") ReadTextData data/Corel_ColorMoments_9d.ascii : 32768 lines of real data, added 0 lines of random data 0.00 sec : reading data from file assert passed : (INDEXPOS_0(I0) == INDEXSTART_1-1) assert passed : (INDEXPOS_1(I0-1,I0) == INDEXSTART_2-1) assert passed : (INDEXPOS_2(I0-1,I0-1,I0) == INDEX_END-1) assert passed : (sz < 255) -2.453896,-2.369326,-2.369326,...,3.864799 0.04 sec : generating index data 0.05 sec : allocate and init device mem 1.21 sec : exec kernel on device 0.00 sec : receive results from device atom[0]=21875 atom[1]=0 iNumResults=21875 kMaxResults=8388608 check : sequential... check:iNumResults=21959 maxc=26 for i=17803 22.53 sec : check : sequential gpu/cpu= 0.1 ok err<=0.4% N=32768 size=1MB IO=16 i3:0,0 tgpu=1.2s tcpu=22. 5 Press ENTER to exit...