From Ghoulwiki
currently in planning, not yet started.
the idea is to create a lightweight ide/code-editor using scintilla, gtk and lua.
the core should be fully scripted in lua with the c++ part only used as a lib providing functions for use by lua, similar as in wmluabutton
planned features
- syntax analysis to provide code browsing (jump to definition) without requiring compiler output (mainly for c++,lua,php...)
- refactoring tools
- syntax options in project wide search (search all calls of functions with names including foobar)
- vertical selection
- tabs (multiline)
- lightweight : no compiler/debugger included
- syntax coloring using scintilla
- maybe use code from ide ? (terminal, symbol-list...)
- svn path : svn co
- note : lua locale problem in snafuide : os.setlocale (locale [, category])